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Sabrina The Teenage Witch - View Transcript

Super Hero

Written By - Nick Bakay
Transcribed By - Paul Booth


Sabrina - Melissa Joan Hart
Hilda - Caroline Rhea
Zelda - Beth Broderick
Salem - Nick Bakay
Harvey/Mighty Teen - Nate Richert
Mr. Kraft - Martin Mull
Dreama -China Shavers
Brad - Jon Huartas
Josh - David Lascher
Career Counsellor - Dennis Bailey
Fireman - Craig Strong

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters in this transcript, nor do I own any rights to the television show Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. It was created by Nell Scovell and belongs to her, Viacom Productions Inc, Hartbreak Films, and the ABC Television network. The characters are based on the original characters appearing in Archie Comics.


Int. Spellman kitchen. Zelda checks her morning E-mails on her laptop while Salem watches Sabrina prepare her breakfast.

Salem- A peanut-butter, banana and vitamin sandwich? I’m intrigued.

Sabrina- It’s career day at school and I have to figure out what I’m going to do with my life. So hopefully a diet rich in gyp and zinc will help.

Zelda- Well if you’d like to get a head start I have a witch aptitude test on my laptop?

Sabrina- Is it accurate?

Salem- Are you kidding? Not only did it peg me one hundred percent but I got into Welesley.

Sabrina- Okay, I’ll try it.

Zelda makes room for Sabrina at the laptop.

Zelda- Just put your finger on the asterisk key and it’ll show you your future.

She presses the key.

Int. A hospital corridor somewhen. A patient is pushed on a gurney down the corridor surrounded by nurses and medical staff as he’s rushed to the OR.

Dr. Spellman- Don’t you quit on me. I need four milligrams of ephy stat! And something for my tummy.

She faints and all the nurses gather around her, concerned. The forgotten gurney careers on down the corridor until it meets a poorly positioned wall. At the sound of the crash they all look round, including Dr. Spellman.

Int. Spellman kitchen. Sabrina gets up from the laptop.

Sabrina- Okay, either I’m going to spend my future being sued for malpractice or that test is wrong.

Zelda- Salem, did you tamper with this test?

Salem- Tuck. Tamper with? A cats gotta do what a cats gotta do.

A black paw reaches out and presses the asterisk key.

Int. The royal palace. somewhen. A small black cat sits the thrown of the world clad in black ermine and wearing a gold crown and brandishing a sceptre. A fanfare sounds and the world cheers.

King Salem, the first- Tell Elton John he can start singing now.

Run opening credits.

Int. Westbridge High School hallway. Harvey, Dreama and Sabrina walk by a large banner which reads ‘Career Day’

Sabrina- D’you know what I hate about career day? It makes you think about your future.

Harvey- (Yawning) I don’t know, some of these lectures are pretty nap friendly.

They pass Principle Kraft’s office as he comes out.

Mr. Kraft- Spellman, Kinkle, New girl.

Dreama- (Smiling) I’m not new, I’ve been here all year.

Mr. Kraft- Surly new girl. Detention.

Sabrina- That’s it? No calling us miscreants? No resenting us for our youth?

Mr. Kraft- Why bother? Oh sure, when I became principle I had a dream. Mandatory ‘Yes sirs’, corporal punishment, scratchy woollen shorts but my hands are tied by the school board.

Sabrina- And the century.

Mr. Kraft- Yeah, when you look in the mirror and the man staring back is just an ineffectual figure head, crushing young dreams just aint what it used to be.

He hands over the detention slips and leaves.

Harvey- It’s kinda sad. He used to really revel in being unjustly mean.

Dreama- Hey, wanna check out ‘The World Needs Corn’ booth?

Sabrina- Can’t, I have an appointment to talk to a career counsellor. He’s gonna help me to whittle my options down from anything but a doctor.

Int. Career Counsellors office.

Career Counsellor- It’s good that you’re thinking about your future. You are clearly at a crucial cross-road.

Mr. Kraft- M-hm, well thank you for offering me that shred of hope.

Career Counsellor- Oh, and here’s the literature you requested. Although I have to tell you that rodeo clowning might be rough on a man your age.

Mr. Kraft- Duly noted.

He leaves passing through the waiting room where Sabrina and Dreama are... waiting. They watch him go by with growing smiles.

Sabrina- Mr. Kraft wants to change careers?

Dreama- Yes!

A rousing Hallelujah chorus courses through a delighted Sabrina and a huge smile plants itself firmly on her face.

Int. Spellman living room. The day has done nothing to make the huge, happy smile droop one iota. Sabrina is floating on air.

Sabrina- So Mr. Kraft is soon to be ex-principle of my little hallways.

Hilda- Which explains why you’re floating on air.

Ah you didn’t realise I meant that literally. She sits cross-legged two feet above the settee.

Hilda- (Cont.) But you’d better get down, your aunt Eileen lost an eye that way.

Sabrina points at herself and reluctantly comes down to earth.

Salem- I just hope Mr. Kraft doesn’t try and move in here. Nothing’s sadder than a man who freeloads off a woman.

Hilda and Sabrina look pointedly at Salem.

Salem- (Cont.) And may I remind you that I’m a cat?

Hilda- Should we tell Zelda?

Sabrina- No, she’ll use her common sense to try to talk him into staying there and playing it safe.

Zelda enters looking worried.

Zelda- I just got off the phone with Willard. He’s having an identity crisis.

Hilda- He’s not sure if he’s actually human?

Zelda- No, he wants to change jobs.

Sabrina- (Resigned) And you talked him out of it.

Zelda- Of course not.

Sabrina- You are so good for him!

Zelda- I encouraged Willard to take a leave of absence and-and go find a job that will make him happy.

Sabrina- Yes! And you might want to mention that Mexico is brimming with opportunities.

Hilda- I hope he takes your advice but I doubt Willard Kraft would leave a job where he gets free pens.

Int. Westbridge High School hallway. The student body stand with stunned smiles as they listen to the school PA.

Mr. Kraft- (Over PA) And so with heavy heart I resign as principle of Westbridge High.

A spontaneous party bursts out complete with party-poppers.

Harvey- I’ve prayed for this day!

He takes Sabrina in his arms and dips her to give her a huge kiss. Someone takes a photo to remember the moment.

Int. Spellman living room. Zelda comes through from the kitchen with a tray of coffee and cookies accompanied by Mr. Kraft.

Zelda- Well I’m sure those kids were just punchy.

Mr. Kraft- Well maybe I’m being paranoid because the bacanou happened immediately after the announcement.

Zelda- Well you were right to keep those pens.

Mr. Kraft- And now I’ve got to pick a new career. I just fell into academics, well after I failed the Post Office exam.

Zelda- You just need to try new things.

Mr. Kraft- I’m scared Zoo-Zoo. I mean what if people scowl at me and say mean things?

Zelda- You’ve dealt with that wonderfully for years. Willard Kraft, you are a brilliant and talented man.

Mr. Kraft- Well.

Zelda- I want you to follow your dreams.

Mr. Kraft- I’ll do it.

Ext. The basketball courts. Mr. Kraft runs out wearing the number twenty-four vest and calls for the ball. A tall player slam-dunks the ball, picks it up on the bounce and under arms it to him. Mr. Kraft takes it full in the bread-basket and goes down winded signalling a time out.

Int. Little Timmy’s birthday party. Mr. Kraft, the children’s entertainer, is scaring the kids with his puppet show. They’re better entertained when one of the mothers sets about Mr. Kraft with her hand-bag.

Mr. Kraft, the street artist, puts the finishing touches to his clown painting. It’s on display with his other clown paintings. An art lover comes by and buys one. Mr. Kraft happily takes the ten dollar note until the art lover breaks the painting over Mr. Kraft’s head and walks off.

Int. Downtown tattoo’s. Mr. Kraft hasn’t given up on his artistic bent. He’s just using at tattooing needle and inks rather than paint. The tattoo covered biker is as impressed as the art lover when he sees that he’s spelled ‘Mother’ ‘Mothre’ Mr. Kraft is chased from the shop.

Int. Spellman living room. Sabrina comes down stairs to find Mr. Kraft and Zelda in discussion.

Zelda- But just think of all the jobs you know you don’t want now.

Mr. Kraft- I’ve gotta tell ya, I am seriously thinking of taking my job back at the high school.

Sabrina drops her school books in horror.

Sabrina- You can’t! I mean you just have to stick to it until you find the job that’s suited for you.

Mr. Kraft- I’ve tried, I’ve got the scabs to prove it.

Sabrina- So it might take a while. I mean look at me, I’ve got my dream job at the coffee house.

Int. Bean there, Brewed that coffee house. Sabrina ties on her apron to start her shift.

Josh- Sabrina, say hello to your new shift partner, Will.

She looks over as Mr. Kraft turns round in his apron.

Sabrina- As in ‘I’ve lost the will to live’?

Mr. Kraft- No just Will. Now that I’m behind Gen-X enemy lines, I thought I’d go with something a little more with it.

Int. Spellman living room. Whenever Sabrina has a problem, who is the first person she turns to for help? Okay, Salem isn’t around so she turns to Hilda.

Sabrina- You’ve gotta help me to get Mr. Kraft out of there! A coffee house should be a sanctuary.

Hilda- Amen! Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out.

Sabrina- Oh and we can’t tell aunt Zelda. She’d never want me to interfere with Mr. Kraft’s life.

Zelda enters.

Zelda- You got to help me get Willard out of that coffee house!

Sabrina- We do?!

Hilda looks at Sabrina sternly.

Sabrina- (Cont.) I mean absolutely.

Zelda- What is an intelligent, talented man doing wasting his time in some pathetic little hole in the wall?

Sabrina- Hey!

Hilda gives her the look again.

Sabrina- (Cont.) I mean absolutely.

Zelda- He just needs to remember his childhood dreams. You know what? I am going out and get him a copy of ‘What colour is your parachute’

Hilda- Oh what a sweet idea.

Zelda leaves.

Hilda- (To Sabrina) It will never work. You’d better use magic.

Int. Spellman kitchen. Hilda and Sabrina put the Lab-top to good use.

Hilda- All Willard needs is a shot of ‘Dream come true’

Sabrina- It sounds very ‘Golden age of Hollywood’

Sabrina puts the last touches to the concoction and gives it blast of finger. It transforms into a state of the art squirt-gun. Sabrina picks it up with a certain relish.

Hilda- All you have to do is quirt him and he’ll become what he wanted to be when he was a child.

Sabrina- Oh, so he’ll have to quit the coffee house and we’ll go back to having repeat customers.

Hilda- Let’s test it.

She takes the squirt-gun from Sabrina.

Int. Spellman living room. Salem is in his favourite spot behind the settee minding his own business as Hilda takes aim from the dinning room doors. She pulls the trigger and hits him right between the eyes.

Salem- I’m not scratching the furniture! (Sob! Sob! Sob!)

The change comes on suddenly. He aquires a nice shinny new coat... a miniature fluorescent yellow fireman’s coat and a red fireman’s helmet.

Salem- (Cont.) Finally! I’m a guy in red suspenders. Get in line lady’s.

Sabrina- Beautiful. (To Hilda) Well I’ll thank you later but first I have to go shoot Will before he gets something pierced.

Int. Bean there, Brewed that coffee house. Harvey and Brad arrive at the counter.

Harvey- Two Cappuccino’s... Mr Kraft?!

Brad- You left your job for this?

Mr. Kraft- Oh yeah, That gig was strictly L-seven. Hey, have you two peopsters savied any raves this weekend?

While Brad and Harvey look at each other completely baffled by the question, Sabrina picks up the squirt-gun behind Mr. Kraft’s back.

Mr. Kraft- (Cont.) I’ll just get those cappuccino’s.

He bends down to set the coffee machine and Sabrina takes aim.

Sabrina- (Under her breath) This is like a mercy killing.

She pulls the trigger just as Mr. Kraft squats down to pick something up and misses.

Harvey- (Laughing) Wow, Sabrina! He wasn’t bothering us that much.

Sabrina- Ah, this is all part of the training. (To Mr. Kraft) Police that slop-tray now mister!

She fires again and gets a hit this time. After a brief moment of shock he takes off his apron.

Mr. Kraft- Oh. I have someplace very important to go. Just call me ‘The little Kraft who could’

He leaves.

Sabrina- (Pleased) Just call me ‘The Dreamweaver’

As she comes round the counter Brad leaps forward grabbing the squirt-gun from her hands.

Brad- Think fast Kinkle!

He does and dives behind Sabrina as Brad raises his weapon.

Sabrina- Brad don’t!! Noooooooo!

But he does and Sabrina ducks leaving Harvey right in the line of fire. He gets a dousing in ‘Dream come true’ Harvey feigns being wounded and slumps into a seat clutching his chest.

Harvey- You got me and it was my last day on the force.

Sabrina- (Concerned) Harvey? Harvey, speak to me.

Brad- I think he’s gonna survive.

Sabrina- What d’ya think this is?

She snatches the squirt-gun back from him.

Sabrina- (Cont.) Some kinda toy?

Just then a customer leaps up, snatches a jar from the counter top and runs from the shop.

Josh- Hey! That guys steeling the tip-jar!

Harvey- Citizens! Go about your business.

He chases after the thief and moments later a mysterious stranger arrives with the villain clutched firmly by the collar. But there’s something distinctly different about this guy. Like the mask covering his eyes, the purple and black super hero costume with the big red ‘T’ on the chest and a skateboard.

Mighty Teen- Mighty Teen to the rescue. (To Josh) I believe this is yours.

He hands over the tip-jar and drops the bad guy at his feet.

Criminal- Aw!

Might Teen- And I believe that’s frightened criminal for ‘I’m sorry’

Without another word Mighty Teen sprints from the shop, Jumps onto his skateboard and flies off into the deep blue yonder.

Mighty Teen- (Cont.) Mighty Teen, away!

Brad- Was that Kinkle?

Josh- Was he flying?

Sabrina- Yeah! That was Harvey flying, he was trying to get away from Big-foot and Elvis. No more caffeine for you two.

Sabrina dashes out of the shop.

Int. Sabrina’s bedroom. The magic book is out and Sabrina and Dreama dig through it.

Sabrina- There’s gotta be a way to reverse this ‘Dream come true’ spell.

Dreama- Here! (Reading) ‘Once someone lives out their childhood dream, the spell will automatically end’

Sabrina- Great! Well Harvey obviously wanted to be a super hero and now that he’s saved the day at the coffee house, he’s fulfilled his childhood dream. I bet he’s back to normal already.

But what’s that through the window. Mighty Teen flies by on his Mighty Skateboard.

Sabrina- (Cont.) I gotta get curtains.

Dreama- You gotta reverse that spell.

Int. Spellman living room. Hilda answers the front door to a fireman. He has Salem in his arms still sporting his fireman’s outfit.

Fireman- Excuse me but your cat was stuck up a tree. Got a real kick out of his little fireman’s suit.

Hilda- Well, you’re brave, virile and easily entertained. Come back next week, he’s going to be... Abe Lincoln.

Fireman- I er better go. The guys are gonna get together and watch the fight, eat some chilli.

He smiles and leaves.

Salem- Just the guys hanging around in our skivvies, loading up on the musical fruit and watching the sweet science. I’ve gotta convince them I’m a real fireman.

He dashes off upstairs.

Hilda- (Calling after) Try losing the tail.

Int. Spellman kitchen. Zelda is engrossed in the laptop as Hilda enters.

Hilda- Oh, if you’re thinking of trying that match-making service, take it from me. Specify mammal.

Zelda- I just read an E-mail from Willard, he sounds so happy. He says he’s gonna follow his dream.

Hilda- Really? Whatever could have gotten on to... I mean in to him?

Zelda- I wonder what his dream is? You know, is it a doctor or a statesman or...

The back door opens and Biggles flies in. Or at least Mr. Kraft looking like Biggles with a leather flying jacket, white silk scarf, leather helmet and goggles. He has his arms thrown out like aeroplane wings and makes a sound like an old propeller engine.

Zelda- (Cont.) ...this?

Mr. Kraft- Request clearance for sugar?

Zelda forces a smile onto her face and gives him a peck on the cheek.

Hilda- Oh look, it’s Baron Von Emergency Landing.

Mr. Kraft- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Y’know they all laughed at Lindbergh too but that’ll change when I realise my life-long dream of recreating his flight across the Atlantic in a tiny two-seater.

Zelda- It certainly is a... strange, some might even say... delusional, dream but... good for you.

Mr. Kraft- You have to admit that I look awfully dashing in goggles.

Int. Westbridge High School hallway. Sabrina walks with mild mannered Harvey Kinkle in his new horn-rimmed glasses.

Sabrina- What’s with the glasses?

Harvey- Oh I’ve... had these for a while. I mainly use them for sleeping.

Sabrina- Harvey, I know your childhood dream was to be Mighty Teen.

Harvey- I’ve never met the lad but I hear he’s a nice fellow.

Sabrina- I need to know, what mission does he have to fulfil? or motto does he have to live up to?

Harvey- Mighty Teen was put on this earth to save the world.

Sabrina- The whole world?!

Harvey- Or so I’ve been told.

Dreama comes out of the restroom.

Dreama- These bathrooms are nothing but trouble, they always run out of toilet-paper.

Harvey- Trouble?! Excuse me, I just remembered I left my note-book in...

He glances around quickly.

Harvey- (Cont.) ...this classroom.

He runs into the classroom. Seconds later Mighty Teen comes out on his skateboard, his arms piled high with extra-soft toilet-paper.

Mighty Teen- Where there’s trouble around, Mighty Teen will be found.

Sabrina- Oh super.

Mighty Teen- Not Super Teen, Mighty Teen.

He hands his pile of toilet paper to Dreama as Brad comes up.

Brad- Kinkle, what are you doing?

Sabrina- Um this is one great senior prank huh?

Mighty Teen- And yet there’s nothing funny about poor hygiene ma'am. Mighty Teen, away!

He scoots off down the hallway on his skateboard. Cape flying dramatically behind him.

Brad- I have to admit, he really pulls off that cape.

Sabrina- Do you think bringing an economy sized roll of toilet-paper to an empty bathroom would fulfil Mighty Teen’s quest to...

Brad looks down at Sabrina with a frown.

Sabrina- (Cont.) I’m going to stop talking now.

Int. Mr. Kraft’s garage. He wipes his oily hands on a rag as he shows Zelda his masterpiece. The single engine bi-plane stands out in it’s new coat of bright red paint.

Mr. Kraft- Well? What d’you think? I wanted it to be just like Lindbergh’s.

Zelda- Wow! It looks nothing like Lindbergh’s. Yet even though you used modern materials, you managed to make it look so much... less safe.

Mr. Kraft- Ha-ha. Guess what I named her after.

Zelda- (Pleased and excited) Oh Willard, you didn’t?

They come round the side of the plane where the name is painted.

Zelda- (Disappointed) Oh, you didn’t.

Mr. Kraft- Yep, ‘The Spirit Of Westbridge’ See, I want my flight to be just like Lindy’s, right down to only taking one bologni sandwich and a tiny bottle of water and a lawn-chair to sit in.

Zelda- Um dear.

Mr. Kraft- M-Hm?

Zelda- I think it’s wonderful that you have your lunch meat and your terribly rickety chair but what about the small matter of flying experience?

Mr. Kraft- Oh well, if I get into trouble, I’ll just fly square circles until I can latch onto the proper longitude.

Zelda- My-my, you seem to have acquired a great deal of aviation knowledge very suddenly... Almost magically. Excuse me, I have to go and see my sister and... make some accusations.

Int. Spellman living room. Hilda and Sabrina are catching up on some essential reading. The complete set of ‘Mighty Teen’ comic books.

Sabrina- Somewhere in these comic books there has to be a story where Mighty Teen saves the world. All we have to do is recreate it and Harvey’ll go back to normal.

Hilda- Here’s one where Mighty Teen squeezes his radioactive zit on his arch-nemesis.

Sabrina- Okay, gross and keep looking. You know the good thing about having changed Harvey into a super hero is he’ll never feel pain or die.

Hilda- You obviously didn’t read issue number sixty-four where he died... painfully. Sorry.

Sabrina- Okay, more good news.

Sirens are heard in the living room followed by red flashing lights. They both look up from their comic books.

Hilda- What is that?

Fireman Saberhagen drives past in his miniature fire-truck.

Salem- This is red eagle to squad leader. We are in progress.

He drives on through the dining room towards the kitchen.

Sabrina- Do you smell smoke?

They both put down their comics and follow the fire truck.

Int. Spellman kitchen. A four alarm inferno is ripping through the... kitchen table. Fearless fireman Salem climbs his plastic ladder to get to the blaze. Hilda and Sabrina come through from the dinning room.

Salem- Nothing to worry about folks. Keep it moving and let the fireman do his job.

Hilda- I hate to interfere with a pro, so I have no problem doing this.

She points and the miniature fire is extinguished instantly.

Salem- But I wanted to fight the fire and prevent our home from incinerating.

Sabrina- Who started this fire anyway?

Salem- Me.

Zelda enters looking angry.

Zelda- Hilda! Did you put some sort of spell on Willard?

Hilda- I can honestly tell you that, yes, there is a spell on him, and I can honestly tell you that, No, I didn’t do it.

Sabrina- Y’know it would have been a lot easier just to say ‘Sabrina did it’ aunt Snitch.

Zelda- Sabrina, you are in serious trouble...

The back door burst open and Mighty Teen rolls in.

Mighty Teen- Where there’s trouble around, Mighty Teen will be found.

Hilda- (Aside to Zelda) Obviously one of Mighty Teen’s powers is eves-dropping.

Mighty Teen- (To Zelda) Let the girl go, oh dark one.

Zelda- I’m her aunt!

Sabrina- It’s okay, I did something wrong and my aunt was upset with me.

Might Teen- A false alarm? Much like the conundrum I faced in issue number fifteen. ‘Requiem for a mutant’ Mighty Teen, away! Criminals, beware!

He jumps back on his skateboard and is gone.

Sabrina- (Calling after) You’ve warned them! Isn’t that enough?

Zelda- That was odd, but Harvey’s strange behaviour couldn’t have anything to do with Willard. I mean there is no spell that would make Willard wanna fly across the ocean and turn Harvey into a super hero.

Hilda- U-hu, ‘Dream come true’

Zelda smiles smugly having lured her sister neatly into the trap.

Hilda- (Cont.)(Realising)(To Sabrina) Or whatever you call that thing you made.

Zelda- I knew it, you put a childhood dream spell on Willard.

Sabrina- Y-You said you wanted him to follow his dreams.

Zelda- (Angry) He’s flying to Paris in a hunk of balsa wood!

Sabrina- Oh that thing’ll never get off the ground.

The sound of a single engine prop is heard through the back door that Mighty Teen had left open.

Ext. Spellman back porch. The three witches come out and gaze up into the sky. A hunk of balsa wood flies low overhead. Mr. Kraft leans over the side and waves.

Mr. Kraft- (Calling down) See you in thirty-three and a half hours!

Sabrina- (To Zelda) He seemed happy.

She gets a glare from Zelda.

Hilda- Zellie, just a thought, but maybe you should go along with Willard so that he doesn’t... er... die.

Zelda- I can’t! Since Sabrina put the spell on him only she can protect him.

Sabrina- But I have to protect Harvey! Who knows what evil he’s chosen to fight? I mean some criminals can be down-right mean.

Zelda- Sabrina, we are in triage. My boyfriends situation is worse right now... and he doesn’t have super-powers!

Sabrina- All right, I’ll go, but if you hear the anguished screams of Mighty Teen will you please call the Justice League of America?

With a sigh she points at herself and vanishes in a swirl of sparkles.

Hilda- Boy, this spell has really gotten out of control.

Zelda turns her glare on her.

Hilda- (Cont.) Bad Sabrina!

Ext. The Spirit Of Westbridge Cockpit. Mr. Kraft is finally where he always wanted to be with the wind of his passage whipping his silk scarf out behind him.

Mr. Kraft- I’m free! Away from the worlds mundane little annoyances!

Sabrina appears in a swirl of sparkles in the seat behind him and taps him on the arm.

Sabrina- Hey!

Mr. Kraft- Aaargh! What are you doing here?

Sabrina- Oh I’m not really here, I’m a... phantom. Just like Lindbergh hallucinated after twenty hours of flying.

Mr. Kraft- Yeah but I’ve only been flying a few minutes!

Sabrina- Well it’s a much more fast paced world, look at MTV?

The engine stutters.

Sabrina- (Cont.) What’s that noise that sounds like an engine failing?

Mr. Kraft- That-that would be your-your engine failing. Um usually a sure sign that we’re going down.

Sabrina- Tempting but...

She points and the spluttering engine picks up again.

Mr. Kraft- (To the plane) That’s it baby. Yes! I knew you wouldn’t let me down. (To Sabrina) I hope you’re in the mood for Doritos because Paris, France here we come!

Int. Spellman kitchen. A sonar pings as Salem plays.

Salem- E-six.

Zelda- Stop trying to sink my battleship!

She looks up from the radar display she’s magicked up on the table.

Zelda- (Cont.) I’m trying to trace Willard and Sabrina’s flight over the Atlantic.

Salem- I just wanna tell you about me fulfilling my childhood dream.

Zelda- Later!

Salem- One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. There I was, cut off from my squadron and Lady Fahrenheit was cranking up the jet. With only my wits to arm me, I saved countless lives by subduing a raging brush fire.

Hilda comes down stairs with the charred remains of her hair-brush.

Hilda- This is coming out of your allowance you little pyro!

Ext. The Spirit Of Westbridge. The epic flight continues.

Mr. Kraft- Y’know, I don’t think a dare-devil like Lindy would settle for a straight line. Let’s make this interesting.

He pulls back on the stick and climbs into a loop the loop.

Sabrina- Stop!

Mr. Kraft- Where’s your sense of adventure?

Sabrina- In my throat along with my stomach!

As they come out of the loop he slams the stick to his left setting them into a spiralling, diving roll. Sabrina grits her teeth, shuts her eyes and hangs on for dear life. Her right hand loses it’s grip as Mr. Kraft pulls the little plane level and she slams her finger hard into the bulkhead.

Sabrina- Aw!

She clutches her damaged finger wincing with pain.

Mr. Kraft- Wow! That was fun!

Sabrina- I can’t straighten my finger out!

Mr. Kraft- Well why would you need to? Just leave the driving to us. (Singing) Come fly with me.
Let’s float, let’s...

The engine stutters again.

Mr. Kraft- Oh sweet mother of mercy we’re out of gas.

Sabrina tries to rectify the problem with magic but when she attempts to point her bent finger wont let the magic out.

Sabrina- (Under her breath) Oh-no! My magic’s out!

Mr. Kraft- I knew I shouldn’t have used the dials off of mothers stove.

Sabrina- I’ve got to find some way to straighten out my finger!

Mr. Kraft- Look would you shut up about your finger! I don’t understand this. I filled this plane with the exact same amount of gas as Lindy did.

Sabrina- Yeah but Lindbergh didn’t waste all his gas circling over the carnival cruise ship trying to get a glimpse of Kathy Lee!

Ext. Spellman back porch. Zelda paces as Hilda sits.

Zelda- I just can’t wait and worry.

Hilda- Oh, don’t be such a worry-witch. Sabrina and Willard a gonna be fine and if anything goes wrong, Sabrina has her magic.

Ext. The Spirit Of Westbridge. The plane has gone in to a steep dive as the engine comes to a stop. All Sabrina’s attempts to fix her finger and get her magic to work have failed. It’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the hitting the ground very very fast.

Sabrina- I guess this is it!

Mr. Kraft- No. No-no. No, this is it!

Sabrina- Mr. Kraft, this may be my last chance to tell you how I feel about you.

Mr. Kraft- And there’s something I want to share with you too Sabrina.

Sabrina- Me first. You’re an idiot! You didn’t even buy enough gas and now we’re going down you shovel head!

Mr. Kraft- Oh you give dead weight a bad name you whining little stowaway!

They both cover their eyes so they wont see the ground coming up at them at incredible speed.

Mr. Kraft- (Cont.) This is taking an awful long time!

Sabrina- And it hasn’t even hurt yet.

Mr. Kraft- Are you on the rainbow bridge being greeted by family members and old pets?

Sabrina removes her hands from her eyes and looks around.

Sabrina- We’re flying again, look!

Mr. Kraft- What? But how?

Dramatic music floats up from below.

Mr. Kraft- Where’s that music coming from.

Sabrina looks over the side to see Mighty Teen on his flying skateboard holding the plane aloft on his mighty shoulders.

Sabrina- When troubles around, Mighty Teen really will be found!

He looks up smiling at Sabrina and gives her the thumbs up. She smiles back and waves.

Ext. Westbridge High School entrance. The Spirit Of Westbridge is safely back on the ground and Might Teen lifts Sabrina down onto terra firma.

Sabrina- My hero. That sounds so phoney in comic books but now I get it.

Mighty Teen- Emotions in comic books are real but just don’t send away for the X-ray specs.

He has hold of her hand and inadvertently catches her sore finger.

Sabrina- Aw! Oh I hurt my finger in the worlds most ill advised barrel roll.

Mighty Teen- Well lucky for you I have some Teen-Bactine in my utility belt.

He reaches into one of the many small pouches on his belt and gives her finger a squirt. She flexes it and is delighted to have it’s full use back.

Sabrina- At the risk of being redundant, my hero!

Mighty Teen- Often heard but never tiresome.

Mr. Kraft slides down the wing to join them with his sandwich.

Mr. Kraft- Has my childhood dream come true? Are we in Paris?

Sabrina- Yeah, I mean oui.

She raises her newly fixed finger and suddenly the school doors open and applauding students pile out all wearing berets and spouting French led by Brad.

Mr. Kraft- This must be just how Lindy felt. I wonder how long it took his cheeks to wake up?

He goes off to receive the plaudits of the students rubbing his butt.

Sabrina- (To Mighty Teen) Is there any way I can talk you out of going off to save the world?

Mighty Teen- But I already saved it, you’re my world.

As he says the words the Mighty Teen suit fades away leaving just Harvey standing there. He looks about himself confused. All memory of Mighty Teen’s adventures are forgotten.

Sabrina- Now I know why Superman ruined Lois for other men.

Harvey- What?

Sabrina- Er oh essay for my conflicts literature class. Hey, what’s all that raucous over there?

Brad- Bonjuor Monsieur Fromage.

Harvey- Has the French Embassy come for career week?

Sabrina- I-I think everyone’s weirdly excited to welcome Mr. Kraft back.

Int. Spellman living room. Sabrina, Hilda and Zelda mull over the days events with coffee and cookies.

Hilda- So Willard remembers nothing?

Zelda- Nada. He’s principle again, and even though the hours are long, the pay is short and he’s still ineffectual, he says he’s never been happier.

Sabrina- So maybe it’s time for me to be out of the dog house for my 'childhood dream' spell?

Run credits.

Sabrina- (Cont.) It looks like it worked?

Hilda- Yeah, and that 'peace with yourself' spell that you put on Willard didn’t hurt either, did it Zellie?

Sabrina- What?!

Zelda- You really are aunt Snitch aren’t you?

Salem drives in on his fire tender in his fireman suit.

Hilda- Why are you still dressed like that? I thought you fulfilled your pitiful dream of ruining my hair brushes?

Salem- I want people to recognise me from the Four Alarms Fireman’s Calendar. I’m Mr. November.

Sabrina takes the calendar and check out November. Sure enough there’s Salem reclining in his Fireman’s get-up and looking smoulderingly at the camera.

Sabrina- Well this’ll certainly change your image.

Salem- I know, I know, it’s air-brushed.

Pic of the Week